A Fats Oils and Grease (FOG) Program is used for FOG control to reduce the amount of these substances in the sewer and thus reduce the number of sanitary-sewer overflows (SSOs) caused by FOG and the mishandling of getting rid of oils and grease in daily commercial or residential use.

A city's utilities wastewater compliance section is responsible for administering and enforcing the FOG control program's requirements. Its authority is set by the most current sewer use.
The FOG control program's primary goal is to educate the public about the best and most cost-effective ways to keep FOG control intact and the fats, oils, and grease out of the sanitary sewer.
FOG control is necessary because fats, oil, and grease are often washed down the toilet, tend to coagulate, coalesce and stick to surfaces in the sanitary sewer collection network. FOG can come from any animal or vegetable source, including milk, cream butter, margarine and cheese, as well as vegetable fats and oils and fats found in meats, cereals seeds, nuts and other foods.
FOG control is needed so there isn't blockage of the sewer pipes, cause the sewer pumps to stop working, can cause rancid odors at sewer manholes and pumping stations, and lead to sanitary sewer overflows. Without FOG control, it can also block wastewater treatment at the local water reclamation plant it reaches there.
Most counties have staff that spends a lot of time and energy on FOG control to remove it from the sanitary drains. This extra time spent is often being passed onto customers as higher utility bills - so implementing an effective FOG control program can help communities as a whole.
Any place where food is prepared or cooked is the primary source of fats, oils, and grease in the County's sewer and should have a FOG control system in place. The wares used to prepare and cook the food are then washed down the sink. Private residences do not have the same impact on the sanitary system.
However, the food service facilities that prepare or cook food for large numbers of people can generate significant amounts FOG over a short period of time, hence why a proper system for FOG control is so needed, as it could otherwise result in a substantial individual impact on the sanitary drain.
A FOG control program provides a detailed definition of a food service facility standard. It includes, but is not limited to: restaurants, lounges and bars, food courts and caterers, convenience stores, caterers and bakeries, ice cream, smoothie shops, coffee shops, and hospitals.
FOG cannot be completely prevented, but FOG control is a helpful way to prevent fats, oils, and grease from entering the sanitary drain. FOG control procedures or practices have been proven to be the most efficient and cost-effective way to achieve an objective and maximize resources.