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In-Pipe Technology Awarded Contract For Green Sewer Collection System Treatment In Huntington, NY

March 27, 2012

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WHEATON, IL (PRWEB) - In-Pipe Technology® Company, Inc. announced today the Town of Huntington, NY awarded a contract for In-Pipe to provide professional, green sewer collection system services to the wastewater treatment plant's collection system to improve treatment efficiency and reduce energy and sludge processing costs at the plant. In-Pipe's services will also improve Huntington's nitrogen removal capability assisting the Town with meeting the future low nitrogen discharge limits. The Huntington treatment plant discharges to the Long Island Sound and therefore must meet very low nitrogen limits in the near future.

This collaborative project will also be supported by Wendel Energy Services, which will work with In-Pipe to maximize digester gas production and potentially provide a Combined Heat & Power (CHP) operation to significantly reduce Huntington's power consumption from the grid. Additional goals of the project include increased rated capacity for treatment and fats, oils, and grease (FOG) elimination.

"We look forward to working with In-Pipe on this multifaceted project", stated Neal Sheehan, Huntington's Director of Environmental Waste Management. "Our major challenge is our future nitrogen limits, and In-Pipe appears to be able to provide a wide spectrum of tangible economic benefits in addition to reducing our nitrogen discharge loading." John Williams, President & CEO of In-Pipe Technology added, "We look forward to working with the Huntington team. Everyone involved in the project is deeply committed to environmental stewardship."

In-Pipe's patented technology includes regularly adding a high concentration formulation of facultative, naturally-occurring, non-pathogenic bacteria to strategic locations throughout the sewer system in accordance with an engineered plan. This entails zero capital cost and no additional energy requirement. Performance in the collection system provides increased capacity within the plant, forestalls costly upgrades, and extends the life of the existing infrastructure.

In-Pipe Technology offers specialized technical expertise, strong customer understanding, and deep resource knowledge. Since In-Pipe uses natural, biological methods that complement the treatment plant's own processes, In-Pipe is a sustainable solution - environmentally and economically.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with John Williams, President & CEO, please contact Nikole Clay, Marketing Manager at (630)-871-5844 ext. 229.



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Office: 630.509.2488 | Toll free: 888.325.5033 | Fax: 630.509.2490

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