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In-Pipe Technology's Steve Tarallo To Present At WEFTEC 2006 Poster Symposium

October 17, 2006

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WHEATON, IL – In-Pipe Technology's Steve Tarallo, Director of Applied Technology, will present findings from a soon to be released paper entitled "Biologically Engineered Biofilm Modifications for the Enhancement of Collection System Transformations and Impacts on BNR Wastewater Treatment." The paper is co-authored by Andrew Amis Randall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the University of Central Florida, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Dan Williamson, and J. Rodney Dickerson, P.E., of In-Pipe Technology Company.

The principal investigator, Dr. Andrew Randall, examined the effects of In-Pipe Technology on Biological Nutrient Removal by measuring resulting changes in the wastewater influent characteristics at a full-scale 5 stage BardenphoTM BNR wastewater treatment plant. Dr. Randall's team at the University of Central Florida collected data for 1 year prior to implementation of the technology, 9 months during implementation, and 2 months following cessation of the technology.

The investigator reported a 41% increase in the average influent readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand (RBCOD), a 148% increase in heterotrophic plate count (HPC), and a 50% reduction in influent Total Sulfides. Additional details regarding the findings will be reported at WEFTEC Session 46, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes: Nitrogen Removal on Tuesday, October 24th.

"The scientific data collected by Dr. Randall and his team demonstrate the positive impact of In-Pipe Technology on wastewater treatment", states Dan Williamson, CEO of In-Pipe Technology. "Our technology reduces capital expenditures and helps address BNR challenges."



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