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City Of Lakeland, Florida Signs 3-Year Contract Extension

March 13, 2007

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WHEATON, IL — The City of Lakeland, FL approved a three-year contract extension with In-Pipe Technology. In-Pipe has provided its' patented biological odor and corrosion control for the City's sewer collection system and 10 MGD Glendale plant continuously since February 2001. The new contract will extend In-Pipe's treatment service through September 2009.

According to Rick Ruede, Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator for Lakeland's Department of Water Utilities, "Before using In-Pipe, the City had tried everything from hydrogen peroxide to nitrate salts, and everything else available, in an attempt to reduce odors and corrosion in the collection system, but nothing worked. Finally, Lakeland tried In-Pipe in 2001, which solved the odor problem, and stopped citizen complaints.

After implementing In-Pipe, Lakeland eliminated its use of manmade chemicals and the number of large chemical storage tanks installed in the surrounding neighborhoods. Ruede stated, "The In-Pipe system is turn-key: they supply the equipment, the manpower and the maintenance at no additional burden to the City; it is simply a part of the monthly service."

Besides reducing odors and corrosion, the City of Lakeland reports that In-Pipe helped reduce fats, oils and grease in the collection system and at the headworks. It also helped bring process stability to a plant that is subject to widely varying organic loads, illegal discharges and heavy rains. "In-Pipe begins the wastewater treatment process biologically in the sewer piping. This microbial growth counteracts the sulfate-reducing bacteria that lead to odors and corrosion and breaks down fats, oils and greases before they become a major problem. Continuous microbe dosing 24-7, 365 engineers stability within the entire system," states Daniel Williamson, CEO of In-Pipe Technology.

Adds Ruede, "In-Pipe's team is one of the only vendors I've used that truly understands how the biology in the collection system impacts overall wastewater treatment. Their service team reports issues they observe in the system even before I am aware of them.



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